The power of  Eggshell Membrane  


About ESM

The mystical  power hidden in the 'membrane' of eggshells.

About ESM

The mysterious powerhidden in the 'membrane' of an eggshell.

  • Used as an artificial skin
    material overseas.

    In Norway, a country in Northern Europe, research and development on 'artificial skin' using eggshell membrane is progressing.
    It is being studied daily in clinical research as an advanced medical material for healing wounds quickly and effectively.

  • Wrestlers and Sumo Use
    for Wound Healing.

    In Japan, eggshell membrane has long been used as a traditional remedy.
    Even today, some professional wrestlers and sumo wrestlers use eggshell membrane as a treatment for wounds.

  • Used as a topical treatment
    for over 400 years.​ ​

    Over 400 years ago, China's pharmacopoeia Bencao Gangmu introduced eggshell membrane as a topical plaster for wound healing.

  • Alanine
    Glutamic acid

    A treasure of beauty.

    Eggshell membrane is an excellent material that naturally contains abundant amounts of 18 types of amino acids, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and proteoglycans—ingredients highly regarded for promoting beautiful skin.
    ​ ​

  • Chick incubator.

    While humans nurture life through the umbilical cord, eggs are separated from the mother before the chick develops.
    This is where the eggshell membrane plays a crucial role in promoting growth.
    It holds the 'amazing power' to help a chick grow from a single cell to walking in just 21 days.
    ​ ​

  • 0.07 mm

    0.07mm shield.

    The eggshell membrane is the thin layer found on the inside of the eggshell.​ ​
    It serves as a strong barrier, protecting the chick from external threats such as bacteria, viruses, and ultraviolet rays.

Beauty Benefits

Increasing Type III collagen, essential for beautiful skin.

Beauty Benefits

Increases Type III collagen, essential for beautiful skin.

    • Wheat protein powder"
    • Soy protein powder
    • Dried bonito
    • frozen tofu
    • Dried seaweed
    • Japanese soybeans
    • Soybean flour
    • Peanut
    • Sesame
    • Cashews
    • Oatmeal
    • Dried whitebait
    • Salted salmon roe
    • Salted cod roe
    • Eggshell Membrane

    It is also rich in cystine,
    which promotes skin whitening.

    Eggshell membrane is rich in cystine, which inhibits the production of melanin, the cause of dark spots and freckles. ​ ​
    The amount of cystine it contains is significantly higher compared to other foods.

  • Type III



    Offers anti-aging benefits.

    Activated fibroblasts produce not only Type III collagen but also proteoglycan (decorin), which is believed to be effective in cellular rejuvenation, as well as MMP2.​ ​

  • Towards beautiful skin
    full of Type III collagen.

    By stimulating fibroblasts to work actively and increasing the production of Type III collagen, it leads to firm and hydrated skin.

  • Eggshell membrane boosts
    Type III collagen production.

    Type III collagen is produced by fibroblasts hidden deep in the skin's 'dermal layer.' Eggshell membrane works to activate these fibroblasts and boost the production of Type III collagen.​ ​​ ​

  • Collagen that
    cannot be ingested.

    Type III collagen is difficult to obtain from food or supplements, but our bodies are actually capable of producing it.

  • 123456789


    years old

    However, Type III collagen
    decreases with age.

    As we age, the proportion of Type III collagen decreases, leading to common concerns such as sagging and wrinkles, which are signs of aging skin.

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    years old

    Baby's skin is rich

    in Type III collagen.

    Type III collagen consists of fine, soft fibers with excellent water retention ability, giving tissues elasticity and flexibility.
    The reason why a baby's skin is plump and soft is because it is rich in Type III collagen, also known as 'baby collagen.'

  • Two types of collagen in the skin.

    There are actually about 30 different types of collagen.
    Among them, the two types most abundantly found in the skin are called Type I and Type III collagen. ​ ​​ ​​ ​
    Type III collagen, in particular, is also found in organs and blood vessels, where it plays an important role in providing flexibility to tissues.

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    years old

    Type III collagen

    to focus on after the age of 25.

    The key difference between adult skin and the soft, dewy skin of a baby is Type III collagen.
    However, this Type III collagen begins to decrease around the age of 25.

Health Benefits

Eggshell membrane also promotes internal health.

Health Benefits

Eggshell membrane promotes health from the inside as well.

  • Improved liver function

    Research has shown that eggshell membrane has the ability to inhibit liver fibrosis, which can lead to liver cancer and cirrhosis.
    Eggshell membrane is a powerful ingredient that works from within the body as well.

  • Supports weight control
    and prevents lifestyle diseases.

    When eggshell membrane helps balance the gut flora, it boosts lipid metabolism, promoting a body less prone to weight gain.
    By preventing obesity, the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes is also reduced.

  • Eggshell membrane helps
    balance the gut flora.

    Eggshell membrane works effectively in the gut.
    It increases good bacteria, reduces harmful cells, and helps balance the gut flora.
    As a result, it supports the development of a body more resistant to illness.

  • Build a body resistant to illness.

    Eggshell membrane also plays an active role inside the body.
    When consumed, it serves as a health-boosting ingredient that promotes a healthy and vibrant daily life.