The website of Almado Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") (, hereinafter referred to as "this site") promises to always pay the utmost attention to your privacy and any information related to your personal information.

ALMADO 's Privacy Policy
Our company places the highest priority on building and maintaining relationships of trust with our customers. We handle a large amount of personal information through our main business of mail order sales and other operating businesses, and we recognize that all personal information, including customer information, is of the utmost importance. We handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the following personal information protection policy.

  • 1. Our company will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, national guidelines, other norms, and social orders, and will also establish and comply with internal company regulations in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "Personal Information Protection Management Systems - Requirements" (JISQ15001), and will strive to protect personal information appropriately.
  • 2. When acquiring personal information, the Company will clearly define the purpose of use of the personal information, specify the purpose of use of the personal information within the scope of its business activities, and acquire, use, and provide the personal information fairly and appropriately within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.
  • 3. We will not use the personal information we collect for any other purpose without the prior consent of the individual. When using personal information, we will take measures to prevent use for any other purpose, such as by specifying and managing the period of use and the user.
  • 4. We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except when required by law, when we have obtained the prior consent of the individual, or when we outsource business operations.
  • 5. We fully recognize the risks of leaks, loss, damage, etc. of the personal information we obtain, and take preventive and corrective measures to use and store the information under strict management. In the unlikely event of an accident occurring, we will take prompt action with the highest priority being to prevent any impact on the individual.
  • 6. When outsourcing the processing of personal information to a third party, we will enter into a contract with the outsourced company regarding points to note regarding the handling of personal information and will provide appropriate management and guidance.
  • 7. We will respond promptly and appropriately to any inquiries from individuals regarding their personal information, such as disclosure, correction, suspension of use, complaints, and consultations.
  • 8. We will continuously improve our management system for protecting personal information.
  • Established on February 1, 2006
  • Revised on May 1, 2011
  • Revised on February 1, 2018
  • Last updated: October 4, 2021
  • Revised on March 8, 2022
Almado Inc.
8th Floor, Tokyo Tatemono Kyobashi Building, 3-6-18 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
President and CEO Shirou Hoshina

個人情報および方針のお問い合わせ窓口 :管理部長
お問い合わせ電話 03-4334-1122

Handling of customer personal information

In accordance with ALMADO 's Personal Information Protection Policy, we handle personal information as follows:

What is personal information?

"Personal information" refers to information about an individual, including information about all individuals, such as individual customers, business partners, and employees, that can identify an individual by text, image, audio, etc., such as address, name, age, gender, telephone number, and email address.

1. Acquisition of personal information

We collect personal information in the following ways:
・When the information is provided directly by the individual verbally or in writing, etc. ・When the information is automatically sent when the individual uses or views our services, etc. (products, advertisements, content, etc.)
・When provided indirectly from a third party with the individual's consent
・When acquiring personal information that has been made public in publications, on the Internet, etc.

Our Group may obtain web browsing history, behavioral history, and analysis results collected from attribute information such as cookies (IP address, identifier, location information, etc.) from our services and data management platforms operated by third parties, and may use this information for purposes such as delivering advertisements by linking it with your personal data. In such cases, it will be treated as personal information.

Furthermore, even if you have not completed your transaction and are in the process of entering your information, our group may collect and use your information entered into our reservation form in accordance with our privacy policy.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We handle personal information received through our business activities within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.

(1) Purpose of use of retained personal data

Personal Information Name purpose of use
Customer Information (Non-members) (1) To respond to orders, etc.
・To confirm the contents of products and services
・To provide support, such as responding to applications and inquiries for products and services, and providing information on transaction methods
・To bill for usage fees for products and services, and to confirm whether or not payment has been made and the status, etc.
・To deliver and provide products and services
・To send prizes to winners and participants of campaigns and events, rewards for questionnaire surveys and monitor surveys, monitor items, etc.

(2) To provide information
・To provide information on products and services handled by our company or our business partners, such as product information (including catalogs), campaigns, events, questionnaire surveys, monitor surveys, etc., by sending or displaying advertisements via e-mail magazines, direct mail, SMS, LINE, etc.
・To provide information on support, maintenance, etc. regarding products and services handled by our company or our business partners by sending or displaying advertisements in e-mail newsletters, direct mail, etc.
・To customize information on service pages and email newsletters, SMS, LINE and advertising delivery according to the customer's age, occupation, gender, hobbies, preferences, etc.
Customer Information (Member) (1) To respond to orders, etc.
・To confirm the contents of products and services
・To provide support, such as responding to applications and inquiries for products and services, and providing information on transaction methods
・To bill for usage fees for products and services, and to confirm whether or not payment has been made and the status, etc.
・To deliver and provide products and services
・To send prizes to winners and participants of campaigns and events, rewards for questionnaire surveys and monitor surveys, monitor items, etc.

(2) To provide services for members
・To provide services for members
・To provide login functionality to member service sites
・To provide information regarding member services, changes to terms of use, and other operational information
・To understand the registration status and usage status of member information for member services
・To respond to any violations of our terms, conditions, policies, etc. regarding member services

(3) To provide information
・To provide information on products and services handled by our company or our business partners, such as product information (including catalogs), campaigns, events, questionnaire surveys, monitor surveys, etc., by sending or displaying advertisements via e-mail magazines, direct mail, SMS, LINE, etc.
・To provide information on support, maintenance, etc. regarding products and services handled by our company or our business partners by sending or displaying advertisements in e-mail newsletters, direct mail, etc.
・To customize information on service pages and email newsletters, SMS, LINE and advertising delivery according to the customer's age, occupation, gender, hobbies, preferences, etc.

(4) To manage and operate campaigns, events, etc.
・To operate and manage campaigns, events, questionnaire surveys, monitor surveys, etc., related to products and services handled by our company or our business partners

(5) For product development, marketing activities, etc.
・To plan, develop and improve the products and services we handle, and to utilize them in sales, marketing and other activities, by conducting, tabulating and analyzing questionnaire surveys and monitor surveys, creating and analyzing statistical materials, and collecting and analyzing data.

(6) To respond to inquiries, after-sales service, etc.
・To respond to, confirm, and record inquiries and consultations regarding products and services

(7) To carry out business operations and services entrusted to us by other businesses. To carry out business operations and services entrusted to us by our business partners or other businesses.
Job applicants and
Internship Applicant Information
・To carry out and manage recruitment and internship-related tasks
・To provide employment information and contact applicants for job and internships
Employee and former employee information ・For work management, personnel and salary, employee benefits, social insurance, contact, etc.
・To comply with labor-related laws and regulations regarding former employees and to make other necessary contact, etc.
Information regarding officers and employees of business partners, etc. ・For business-related communications, business negotiations or meetings, etc., and procedures related thereto
・To manage information on business partners and transaction details
・To manage entrance and exit to our facilities and for safety management
・For the performance of contracts, etc.
Shareholder Information ・To exercise rights or fulfill obligations under the Companies Act or other laws and regulations
- For management based on laws and regulations
・To provide information to shareholders, exchange information, conduct surveys, etc.
・For other contact matters
Contact Information ・To respond to inquiries

(2) Purpose of use of personal information acquired by means other than direct writing

Personal Information Name purpose of use
Personal information provided by external malls (1) To respond to orders, etc.
・To confirm the contents of products and services
・To provide support, such as responding to applications and inquiries for products and services, and providing information on transaction methods
・To bill for usage fees for products and services, and to confirm whether or not payment has been made and the status, etc.
・To deliver and provide products and services
・To send prizes to winners and participants of campaigns and events, rewards for questionnaire surveys and monitor surveys, monitor items, etc.

(2) To provide information
・To provide information on products and services handled by our company or our business partners, such as product information (including catalogs), campaigns, events, questionnaire surveys, monitor surveys, etc., by sending or displaying advertisements via e-mail magazines, direct mail, SMS, LINE, etc.
・To provide information on support, maintenance, etc. regarding products and services handled by our company or our business partners by sending or displaying advertisements in e-mail newsletters, direct mail, etc.
・To customize information on service pages and email newsletters, SMS, LINE and advertising delivery according to the customer's age, occupation, gender, hobbies, preferences, etc.

(3) To respond to inquiries, after-sales service, etc.
・To respond to, confirm, and record inquiries and consultations regarding products and services
Call recording information To improve the quality of telephone responses

3. Requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information

If a customer requests disclosure of their personal information (notification of purpose of use, disclosure), correction, addition or deletion of the content, we will disclose, correct, add or delete the information. In addition, if a customer requests that we suspend the use of their personal information, delete it, or suspend the provision to third parties, we will suspend its use, delete it, or suspend the provision to third parties. However, even if a request or request as set forth in the previous two sentences is made, we may decline the request or request due to provisions of laws and regulations. If requested, we will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming that the person making the request is the customer himself/herself or his/her representative.

In the case of personal information entrusted to us by a third party without us being given the authority to disclose it, please contact our inquiry desk regarding disclosure, correction, disclosure of personal information, and suspension of use and provision.

Requests for notification of the purpose of use of retained personal data and disclosure will be charged at 500 yen each time.
In that case, please enclose a 500 yen postal money order with your submitted documents.

We will send you our designated "Request for Personal Information Disclosure, etc." by mail, fax, email, etc. Please fill it out, enclose the necessary documents, and send it to us. (The requester will be responsible for the postage costs.) After confirming that you are the person in question (or your representative), we will respond by issuing a written response. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. made by any other method.

4. Measures taken to safely manage personal information

When handling your personal information, etc., we will take appropriate organizational, personal, physical and technical safety control measures.

(1) Organizational safety management measures
・Establishment of organizational structure for protecting personal information
・Establishment of rules and regulations governing personal information protection and operation in accordance with these rules, etc.

(2) Personnel safety management measures
- Education for all employees regarding personal information protection, etc.

(3) Physical safety control measures
・Enforcement of entrance management
・Physical protection of equipment and devices, etc.

(4) Technical safety control measures
- Access control for systems that handle personal information
・Monitoring systems that handle personal information, etc.

5. Provision and disclosure of personal information

Your personal information will not be provided to third parties without your prior consent, except in the following cases:

(1) When required by law

(2) When it is necessary for the protection of an individual's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.

(3) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.

(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or a person commissioned by them in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the performance of those duties.

6. Entrustment of Personal Information

We may outsource the handling of personal information to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purpose of use, such as the delivery of products and catalogs. In such cases, we will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the personal information we hold and supervise the outsourced party.

7. Name of the accredited personal information protection organization to which you belong and contact point for complaint resolution


8. Responding to inquiries regarding orders, etc.

In principle, we only respond to inquiries about orders, etc. from the person in question. Also, when we call your registered phone number to confirm the details of your order, we will tell the person who answers the phone your name, confirm that you are at home, and request that you be called, and we will only confirm with you in person.

9. Optionality of registering and entering personal information

Registering and entering your personal information is optional; however, if you do not register or enter your personal information or if there are errors, your information cannot be recognized accurately, and you may not be able to receive product shipments or various services.

10. Cookies

(1) We or our business partners may use cookies (hereinafter referred to as "cookies" and similar technologies) to make our website easier for you to use and to provide you with more valuable information.
Cookies are used to temporarily store data on your computer when you use a website. By using cookies, our server may obtain information such as your behavioral history on our website (URLs accessed, content, order of browsing, etc.), your name, telephone number, email address, age, sex, occupation, area of residence, purchase history, and location information.
If you do not wish for information about yourself to be collected, you can refuse to receive cookies by changing the settings of your internet browsing software (browser). Please contact the manufacturer of the software for instructions on how to set up your browser. Please note that if you refuse to receive cookies, you may not be able to use some of our services, such as the login retention function.

(2) We or our business partners may use information obtained through cookies, etc. for the following purposes.
① To enable you to continue browsing from your previous visit without having to repeatedly enter the same information the next time you visit our website.
② To statistically analyze the usage of our website, without including any information that can identify individual customers, and to improve our services.
③ To deliver our advertisements to customers who use our website and third parties who have similar characteristics to those customers through advertising distribution services provided by third parties such as Google and Facebook. Please check here for the main advertising distribution services used on our website for this purpose. Customers can stop the third parties from using cookie information, etc. to deliver advertisements to them by visiting the opt-out page on the third party's website.
④To provide support to customers who leave our website while using it, such as by sending emails, SMS, LINE and other web services, to respond to inquiries and applications for products and services, and to guide them on transaction methods. Also, to provide information by sending or displaying advertisements, etc.

(3) If a customer has registered personal information for our member-only services, the information we obtain through cookies, etc. may be linked to information that identifies the customer held by our company. In addition, even if a customer has not completed a transaction and is in the middle of entering information, we may obtain and use the customer information entered into our reservation form in accordance with our privacy policy. Information obtained through cookies, etc. linked to personal information will also be managed as personal information in accordance with our personal information protection policy.

11. Advertisement distribution provided by third-party ad distribution companies

In order to display more appropriate advertisements to you, we may irreversibly convert some of the personal information we hold (email addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) into data that does not identify you, match it with a third-party advertisement distribution company, and deliver advertisements based on the results.

Third-party ad distribution companies will not use this information for any purpose other than distributing advertisements.

For advertisements from these third-party ad distribution companies, you can choose to enable/disable "behavioral targeting ads."

Please check here for the main third-party ad distribution companies we use. Customers can check the disabling method on the page on the third party's website.

12. Access logs

(1) Our website collects and records your IP address and other access information, and can therefore obtain usage information such as the pages you visited (hereinafter referred to as "access logs").

(2) We may use access logs for the following purposes.
① To statistically analyze the usage of our website, without including any information that can identify individual customers, and to improve our services.
② To identify and resolve the cause of problems that occur on our web server.
③ If you have registered your personal information for our member services, etc., we may associate it with information that identifies you that we hold. In this case, the access log associated with your personal information will also be managed as personal information in accordance with our personal information protection policy.

13. Contact details of the Personal Information Protection Manager (Manager) and Inquiry Desk

Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information and policies: Head of Administration
Contact phone: +81-3-4334-1122
Contact E-mail:

Privacy Policy
Currently, in response to the growing awareness of how personal information is handled, we are working to reduce the amount of personal information printed on products as much as possible, but please note that the minimum amount of personal information necessary for the delivery of products will still be printed on products.
In addition, this site provides a My Page "Confirm and Change Member Registration Details" page that members can use to confirm and change their personal information to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

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