• Eggshell Membrane

    Eggshell Membrane is the thin membrane inside the eggshell.
    It is a natural, eco-friendly and safe material.
    As a biomaterial that can be applied in the fields of medicine, food, and cosmetics, We would like to continue conducting joint research with The University of Tokyo and Teikyo University in the future.



  • Dr. Yoriko Atomi ・Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo
    ・Endowed Professor at Teikyo University Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization Division of Open Innovation 
    ・Visiting Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

    She aim to create a science of extending healthy lifespan by conducting research at various levels, including molecules, cells, tissues, organisms, humans, and humanity, and integrating these findings to improve overall human well-being.
    Publications: Improving Cell Power (Ronsosha), etc.

  • Dr. Miho Shimizu   ・Endowed Associate Professor at Teikyo University Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization Division
    ・Visiting Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

    Promoting research on extracellular matrix and stress proteins beneficial for health. 
    Pursuing comprehensive adaptive science of cells and the body, from studies and research on mice and rats and cellular and  humans.

  • Ms. Miho Jozaki ・Product Development Manager at ALMADO Inc.
    ・Team Leader of the Eggshell Membrane Joint Research Team

    In charge of commercializing cosmetics and supplements using eggshell membrane.
    Conducting industry-academia collaborative research on eggshell membrane with the University of Tokyo and Teikyo University. Continuously researching to update the eggshell membrane raw material.


What is the power of eggshell membrane that 
makes a 120-year lifespan possible?

Our corporate philosophy at ALMADO is to create health and beauty in people's lives around the world through the power of eggshell membrane and biotechnology. The potential of eggshell membrane, which has been handed down for over 400 years, is said to be very attractive even to researchers involved in cutting-edge science. We interviewed the professors conducting joint research with us to discuss the power of eggshell membrane, which could make even a '120-year lifespan' possible.

From Egg to Chick: Research began by focusing on the secret of how eggshell membrane creates chick life.

We began joint research on eggshell membrane in 2007,and it has now been 17 years.
 Reflecting on the early days of our research, could you share your impressions when we first started this industry-academia collaboration?

  • Dr. Atomi.
    The joint research with ALMADO began in 2007. Initially, it started with a proposal from ALMADO to the professors at the University of Tokyo, expressing their interest in studying the potential benefits of eggshell membrane.
    At that time, the field of considering health through cutting-edge science was still in its infancy. However, I remember being intrigued by the challenge of exploring healthcare from the perspective of the cells that form the foundation of the body.
    THowever, initially, I wondered, "Why eggshell membrane?" But after meeting with Founder Hasebe, my perspective changed.
    The hypothesis about Type III collagen and the eggshell membrane was very intriguing. Founder Hasebe's simple question, "Why does a chick hatch from an egg? And why do folk remedies suggest that applying eggshell membrane to a wound helps it heal nicely? Could there be a secret power in the eggshell membrane?" was quite convincing. I found it genuinely interesting and captivating. This is partly because the eggshell membrane has a meshwork structure, which is similar to the structure of skeletal muscle that I have studied for many years. This thin membrane, known as the basement membrane, has a thickness of just 0.1 micrometers and resembles the structure of the eggshell membrane.
    For example, current research on stem cells shows that they continue to live and function when attached to the basement membrane of muscles. Given my background in such research, I thought that placing stem cells on the meshwork structure of the eggshell membrane might yield similar results. Although this idea was initially difficult for others to understand.
    We humans are made up of 37 trillion cells and the extracellular matrix that the cells secrete, and the cells themselves secrete collagen and other substances. Cells have a basic structure, and it has been discovered that Eggshell Membrane have a similar structure. If you think about it, for a chick to hatch from an egg, it must be at an incredible level, since the egg must be kept in the same condition as inside its mother's womb.
    So I looked into Eggshell Membrane and found that even though it's only 0.07mm thick, it has a three-layer structure that allows oxygen to pass through while blocking moisture containing nutrients, blocks ultraviolet rays, and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. That's why chicks hatch. I thought this was an amazing substance. How do we preserve our species? It's filled with the wisdom that has been acquired and evolved over a long period of time.
    The power of Eggshell Membrane was subsequently demonstrated in a study of 30 women who applied a lotion and cream containing hydrolyzed Eggshell Membrane. There was a statistically significant increase in skin moisture content after two weeks, and elasticity after three months. That was the moment when I really felt the potential of Eggshell Membrane.
We humans are composed of 37 trillion cells and the extracellular matrix secreted by these cells, which includes substances like collagen. Each cell has a fundamental structure, and it has been found that the eggshell membrane has a similar structure. It's quite remarkable and mysterious that a chick can hatch from an egg because the egg must mimic the same environment as the mother's womb for this to happen.
Upon examining the eggshell membrane, I found that even though it is only 0.07 mm thick, it has a three-layer structure. This membrane allows oxygen to pass through while preventing nutrient-rich moisture from leaking out. It also blocks ultraviolet rays and has antibacterial and antiviral properties, which is why chicks can hatch safely. I thought, "This is an amazing material." It encapsulates the wisdom that has evolved over a long history on how to preserve species.
Subsequently, the power of the eggshell membrane was evident in a study involving 30 women who applied a lotion and cream containing hydrolyzed eggshell membrane. The results showed a statistically significant increase in skin moisture content after two weeks and in skin elasticity after three months. This was a moment when the potential of the eggshell membrane became very clear to me.

Eggshell Membrane Promotes Type III Collagen Production, Preserving Youth.
A Globally Valuable Discovery

What specific properties of the eggshell membrane are you focusing on, and what kind of research are you conducting?

Dr. Atomi.
We are primarily researching the regenerative properties of cells. In our studies, we discovered that the eggshell membrane enhances the expression of genes known as the "Rejuvenation Trio": Type III collagen, decorin, and MMP2. 
The basic premise is that cells maintain life by continuously undergoing turnover. Interestingly, cells die if they don't have work to do. When a cell is deemed unnecessary by the body, apoptosis, a programmed cell death that helps maintain a better state for the organism, occurs.
The process of "aging," which many people are interested in, progresses as the turnover of proteins within cells slows down.
One of the "Rejuvenation Trio," Type III collagen, is said to play a role in promoting the turnover of the extracellular matrix, which is essential for maintaining the body's homeostasis.
We considered that if the eggshell membrane has the same functions as Type III collagen, it could potentially lead to rejuvenation.
Unlike typical supplements, which merely provide nutrients that cells passively absorb, the eggshell membrane can activate cells, encouraging them to produce substances like Type III collagen on their own. To investigate this, we created a simulated environment similar to the actual conditions of dermal cells and studied how fibroblasts from human skin, when bound to the eggshell membrane, induced various genes.
Typically, petri dishes are treated to allow cells to adhere to them, which isn't suitable for our experiments. To address this, we coated the petri dishes with a special polymer and then attached hydrolyzed eggshell membrane, which had been developed to be water-soluble. On this surface, we placed human fibroblasts and observed the gene expression related to the extracellular matrix.
In fact, many researchers focus on cell proliferation, observing gene expression in conditions where cells densely cover the entire surface of the petri dish. However, if you look at cross-sectional images of the skin, you will see that in the dermis, cells are actually spaced apart from each other.
By replicating the state where cells are spaced apart, we observed gene expression and confirmed the expression of three key genes, including Type III collagen in the extracellular matrix, associated with "rejuvenation." This finding highlighted the importance of conducting experiments that accurately mimic the conditions of cells within our body.
Dr. Shimizu.
Subsequently, when hydrolyzed eggshell membrane was applied to the skin of hairless mice, there was a significant increase in the expression of the same set of genes. This demonstrated the powerful potential of natural materials. 
The discovery that the eggshell membrane could lead to beauty, health, and longevity was a significant breakthrough of global importance.
Dr. Atomi.
Incidentally, Type III collagen, one of the "Rejuvenation Trio," is present in about 20% of a baby's skin, but this decreases to around 10% in adults. Additionally, aging leads to a reduction in the papillary layer, which is located on the outer part of the dermal structure. It was also found that eggshell membrane can increase this papillary layer.
Dr. Shimizu.
The papillary layer is where capillaries should be well-developed, as cells require nutrients carried by the bloodstream for growth; without capillaries, they die. If capillaries are not well-developed, the overall homeostasis of the skin deteriorates. Therefore, it is crucial to prevent the degradation of the papillary layer, which can occur due to aging or prolonged exposure to UV radiation. The eggshell membrane can help care for the papillary layer and maintain a vibrant, healthy state of the skin.

Enhancing the Body's Natural Strength: The Greatest Appeal of Eggshell Membrane.

Could you tell us about the remarkable qualities of the eggshell membrane that you've discovered through your research?

  • Dr. Atomi.
    Supplements containing ingredients believed to be beneficial for beauty and health have long existed, but consuming them doesn't necessarily mean they will function directly in the body. In contrast, eggshell membrane works by acting on cells to promote a better state, which is a different approach. It's about drawing out the body's inherent abilities. It supports people in their desire to become healthier and maintain a good condition by empowering their cells. Eggshell membrane has a unique appeal that comes from its natural origin.
    Dr. Shimizu.
    Eggshell membrane has already been demonstrated to be effective in a wide range of areas, starting with improving skin elasticity and extending to benefits for the liver, intestines, and lipid metabolism. 
    The eggshell membrane helps express and activate Type III collagen and decorin, which decrease with age and smoking, thereby contributing to health and beauty.
    The power of the eggshell membrane has been passed down through human history. For instance, it is mentioned in the "Compendium of Materia Medica," a Chinese pharmacopoeia written in the 16th century. In Japan, it has long been known that applying eggshell membrane to wounds can aid in healing, a practice common even at the folk level, such as in sumo stables. While advanced technology has allowed us to validate these effects, there are still many areas under study. In our daily experiments, we continue to be excited by the vast potential hidden within the eggshell membrane.

Numerous Patents Obtained by Our Company: Continuously Advancing Eggshell Membrane Ingredients Based on Evidence.

How have you leveraged the power of eggshell membrane in developing products such as supplements and cosmetics?

Ms. Jozaki
Eggshell membrane has a strong fibrous structure, making it insoluble in water and oil, resistant to heat, and indigestible. Therefore, simply consuming it does not yield the expected benefits. Despite these challenges, ALMADO has continued to conduct applied research on eggshell membrane. As a result, the company has filed 47 patent applications related to eggshell membrane and published 11 research papers* on the subject.
Initially, we began by hydrolyzing the eggshell membrane for use in cosmetics and finely grinding it for food products. Currently, to further enhance the digestibility and absorption efficiency of the eggshell membrane, we have developed unique processing techniques such as micronization and ball milling. These efforts represent our ongoing commitment to exploring various approaches.
*As of November 2023
Dr. Shimizu.
I believe ball mill grinding is quite effective. Fibers remain as fibers no matter how finely they are ground, even down to the nanoparticle level. 
In our measurements of eggshell membrane using both micronization and ball mill grinding, we found that ball mill grinding achieved a uniform particle size. Importantly, this method also reached the size range that facilitates endocytosis, a process where cells absorb substances from the outside, which is crucial for various life processes such as nutrient uptake, cell proliferation, and neurotransmitter release. This suggests that absorption efficiency could be significantly improved compared to traditional methods.
Dr. Atomi.
Eggshell membrane is composed of 600 to 700 different proteins, but until now, it has been unclear which components act in what way once they enter the body.
Currently, by using tritium labeling, we can track these components and their effects. Experiments with mice have revealed that these substances impact tissues throughout the body, including the brain.
In other words, the eggshell membrane holds the potential to significantly benefit both beauty and health throughout the entire body. As research continues, I believe we will uncover even more of its untapped potential.

I've heard that both Dr. Atomi and Dr. Shimizu use products containing eggshell membrane. 
As regular users, could you share your experiences and thoughts on the benefits of eggshell membrane?

Dr. Atomi.
When attending gatherings of people who use these products, everyone seems very energetic. They walk so briskly!
In human clinical studies, in addition to improving skin elasticity, an enhancement in physical function has also been demonstrated. Since the experiments included participants ranging from their 20s to their 60s, it's reasonable to believe that these benefits can be observed across all age groups.
I personally feel that my skin's elasticity has significantly improved.
Ms. Jozaki
In our cosmetics, we are continually working to reduce the distinctive odor of eggshell membrane, which is a common concern among users. The higher the concentration of eggshell membrane, the stronger the odor tends to be, but we've received increasing feedback that the smell has become less noticeable. Additionally, by refining our hydrolysis methods, we have been able to increase the amino acid content in the products.
Dr. Atomi.
Dr. Atomi.
As for me personally, I truly feel the benefits, so a little bit of odor doesn't bother me. The effectiveness of the products is much more appealing. I can confidently say that there is no substitute for them. 
Because these products help me feel so energetic, I believe I can continue my research until I'm 120 years old.
Dr. Shimizu.
I believe Japan is at the forefront of eggshell membrane research globally. It's truly a "Hinomaru supplement," representing Japan's innovation in this field.

Scientifically Proving the Power of Eggshell Membrane: Continuing as a Company Dedicated to Global Beauty and Health

Please tell me about the future potential of eggshell membrane and ALMADO's vision for product development."

  • Ms. Jozaki
    In the field of cosmetics, eggshell membrane contains not only properties that enhance skin firmness and elasticity but also a high content of cystine, which suggests a potential for skin whitening effects.
    Dr. Shimizu.
    Exactly! In an experiment comparing skin conditions over the summer, there were also effective results for dark spots. I think this might indicate an improvement in the skin's natural repair functions.
    Ms. Jozaki
    In the field of supplements, there are many hypotheses under research about eggshell membrane, such as its potential to promote balanced growth. Based on evidence, we would like to continue producing a wide range of products that support everyone's beauty and health.
    Dr. Shimizu.
    Application in the field of preventing pre-disease conditions can also be considered. Eggshell membrane, which has the potential to empower cells, enhance self-repair capabilities, and boost immunity, holds great promise for the future.
    Dr. Atomi.
    I believe there is also significant potential for eggshell membrane to expand into fields like regenerative medicine in the future.
    Ms. Jozaki
    I truly believe that eggshell membrane is a dream material that everyone should know about. Because it is a natural material, it has unique potential and appeal that I want to share more widely.

By harnessing the power of eggshell membrane, a material gaining global attention, what kind of world do you aspire your company to create?

Ms. Jozaki
Eggshell membrane is now a safe and natural material that the world is paying attention to. We want people to enjoy a long, healthy, and youthful life. ALMADO aims to continue being a company that contributes to the beauty and health of people worldwide through scientifically proven, evidence-based products.
Dr. Atomi.
I also hope that it will lead to an improvement in health literacy. As I've mentioned, eggshell membrane is a material that can act on human cells. It allows you to heal and enhance yourself with your own strength. It is a substance that lets you truly feel alive. Through the use of eggshell membrane, I hope people can achieve a truly healthy life in every sense.

Research Achievements

Dr. Yoriko AtomiandDr. Miho Shimizu

  • The 37th The Japanese Society for Biological Sciences in Space

    Chicken eggshell membrane, a natural wound healing material, promotes the reparative mechanoresponse of fibroblasts to the extracellular matrix, thereby maintaining skin homeostasis.

  • 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition in Tokyo

    Eggshell membrane could save an aging society.

  • Cell Bio 2022, the joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) 

    Eggshell membrane promotes the homeostasis of skin and lung tissues, accompanied by the expression of type III collagen and decorin, and reduces pulmonary fibrosis in the bleomycin mouse model.

  • The 45th Annual Meeting of The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

    The natural wound healing material, eggshell membrane, promotes anti-aging through inherently adaptive cell-matrix interactions in response to mechanical stress.

  • The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Prevention of Diseases

    "Good posture" for preventing illness -Eggshell Membrane a natural material that revitalizes cells and harmonizes the body to integrate the mind and body

  • The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Connective Tissue

    Solubilized Eggshell Membrane enhances decorin secretion from human lung fibroblasts WI-38 cells

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