Product policy

01 / 5 guidelines

C o m m i t m e n t   t o     E v i d e n c e

  • ・ALMADO is continuously engaging in research and development in collaboration with the University of Tokyo to maximize the potential of eggshell membrane.
  • ・The products we offer and the eggshell membrane materials we use reflect a wealth of knowledge accumulated from years of research since 2007.

02 / 5 guidelines

U n i q u e  P r o d u c t    D e s i g n  

  • ・We believe that selling similar products among the numerous cosmetics available will not inspire or impress our customers.
  • ・ALMADO is committed to superior product differentiation, developing unique products and concepts that are exclusive to our brand.

03 / 5 guidelines

R e l e n t l e s s    P u r s u i t    o f   R e s e a r c h    a n d     I n n o v a t i o n .

  • ・In a world where technology, society, and other environments are constantly changing, we do not consider our past research results and products to be sufficient. We are continually evolving our technologies and products to consistently offer valuable products that meet the needs of any era.

04 / 5 guidelines

S e l e c t i o n  o f     l o w - b u r d e n  m a t e r i a l s   a n d   i n g r e d i e n t s.

  • ・To confidently offer our products to customers, we always conduct monitor surveys on prototypes and do not commercialize the product until we achieve satisfactory efficacy and user experience.
  • ・We conduct patch tests on all products to minimize skin issues.

05 / 5 guidelines

C o m m i t m e n t   t o   P r o d u c t    S a f e t y.

  • ・To deliver products of the highest quality, we use containers with high light-blocking properties and take other measures to maintain product stability.
  • ・We carefully consider and incorporate valuable feedback from customers regarding our containers during product renewals, striving to create more user-friendly designs.

Business Characteristics

Our company uses cutting-edge eggshell membrane research to sell our original health and beauty products, 

primarily through TV and online shopping channels, targeting general consumers.

Business Activities

Planning, development, manufacturing, and sales of supplements and cosmetics.

Business Features

  • ・We sell supplements and cosmetics that reflect eggshell membrane research conducted in collaboration with the University of Tokyo.
  • ・We offer products that have been favored by long-time customers, with product strength being our key advantage.
  • ・In addition to offering products highly valued by our customers, we have adopted a subscription-based business model. 
    This approach ensures steady growth through continuous purchases, resulting in a stable revenue model.

Manufacturing of products

  • ・We partner with OEM companies that possess the best technology in their respective fields for each product, ensuring that we consistently manufacture high-quality products.
  • ・We ensure product quality by selecting OEM partners based on their expertise in specific areas.

Improve customer satisfaction

  • ・For order processing, website creation, marketing tool planning and production, system development, and customer support, we strive to minimize outsourcing. This approach ensures that cutting-edge knowledge and expertise are continuously accumulated within our company.
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